2021 another successful year for JC Angelcraft

ABN December 20, 2021: UTC+00:  JC Angelcraft: In addition to his critical work with emergency services for Mexico & U.S. government, The Department of Justice, INTERPOL, A.C.W.B.R. Angelcraft Crown World Bank & Reserve, W.H.O. the World Health Organization, Jose Maria Chavira M.S. (JC Angelcraft) the owner and CEO of the Angelcraft Company and TCC The Crown CorporationJC Angelcraft and Angelcraft Media Division, ended a memorable year opening various new WordPress non-profit websites.

This year, another year spent in a news and information emergency, Jose Maria set new standards in teaching and entertainment with which nothing competes.  His comic book scripts bring responsibility into the world of comics and help people to understand the judgment of God from a more simplistic point of view.  At the same time Jose Maria shares some material from a comic book and superhero industry which is challenged to secure a mature reading audience. Angelcraft Comic Book scripts represent, but a fragment of his writings which describe the judgment of God in many different ways. The year 2022 expects to be another writer’s year where new writers are also expected to gain notoriety writing about the World Crown and the Judgment of God.

The website Coronvm Terrarvm “The Crown of the World” contain the most complete references to the World Crown’s network.  The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language in the world.

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